My research interests include Data Mining, Social Computing, and Computational Advertising.
I am now the Chief Data Scientist at Clari, a startup focusing on predictive analytics for enterprise sales. Before that, I was a principal data scientist @WalmartLabs, and a scientist in Yahoo! Labs. I received my Ph.D. from Arizona State University in 2010 and B.S. from Fudan University, China in 2004.
Twitter: @leitang
2016/07: I will speak at the Dato Data Science Summit in San Francisco, 2016
2016/03: My thoughts on AlphaGo and AI for enterprise published at venturebeat. Also got mentioned by MIT Tech Savvy
2015/08: Co-organizing workshop on Big Data for B2B Marketing and Sales (老王APP)
2015/06: Paper Embracing Information Explosion without Choking: Clustering and Labeling in Microblogging to be published at Transactions on Big Data (pdf)
2015/05: Thresholding for Top-k Recommendation with Temporal Dynamics uploaded to arXiv
2014/07: Paper What is Tumblr? A Statistical Overview and Comparison will be published @SIGKDD Explorations; 老王app2.2.9 from MIT Technology Review
2014/04: Paper "Bundle Recommendation in eCommerce" is accepted @SIGIR, 2014 (paper)
2013/07: Present @UAI workshop on New Challenges in e-Commerce Product Recommendation.
2013/07: Present Adaptive User Segmentation for Recommendation @GraphLab Workshop on large scale machine learning.
2013/03: Poster paper Scaling Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Randomness is accepted @WWW, 2013.
2012/11: paper Exploiting Social Relations for Sentiment Analysis in Microblogging is accpeted @WSDM, 2013.
2012/08: paper A Convex Formulation for Learning a Shared Predictive Structure from Multiple Tasks is accepted @TPAMI.
2012/07: My article "scalable learning of collective behavior" is featured in IEEE
Special Technical Community on Social Networks [类似老王的app]
Lei Tang and Huan Liu. windows纸牌游戏下载_windows纸牌游戏绿色免费版电脑版 ...:2021-2-20 · windows纸牌是windows XP/2021/98等系统自带的纸牌游戏。windows纸牌玩法简单趣味性强,真的是用来打发时间的好游戏。windows系统自带的经典小游戏扫雷和纸牌游戏,在空闲时刻总会玩几把,现在的你是不是很怀念呢?, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2010. [老王app软件 at book website]
Huan Liu, Lei Tang and Nitin Agarwal. Tutorial on Community Detection and Behavior Study for Social Computing. Presented in The 1st IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom'09), 2009.
Social Dimension Approach
to Classification in Large-Scale Networks, including source
code and data
安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 | 菜鸟IT资源网:2021-6-12 · 所属分类:手机软件 应用平台:安卓 资源版本:V4.8.5 最后更新:2021年6月12日 21:51 安卓全能扫描王v4.8.5 OCR文字识别软件 软件截图:, including
source code and data
Social Computing
Data Repository at ASU
Source code and data for Extracting
Shared Subspace for Multi-Label Classification
Source code for 最流氓的软件可众流氓到什么程度? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-10-27 · 镜像问题:最良心的软件可众良心到什么程度?如果我没记错的话。大概两年前左右,2345浏览器,卸载的时候一步步撒娇卖萌打滚乞求你不要卸载它,当然我是不会心软的。
Complete list can be found here or
google scholar
Tao Zhu, Patrick Harrington, Junjun Li, and Lei Tang. 宝马车主新福利:CarPlay可众免费使用 | 数字尾巴 分享美好 ...:2021-4-29 · 宝马车主新福利:CarPlay可众免费使用ios正式更新了13.4版本,CarPlay新增第三方地图支持分屏和CarKey功能,苹果正与宝马就CarKey功能进行合作,宝马有可能成为首款支持CarKe, SIGIR, 2014. (paper)
Lei Tang and Patrick Harrington. Scaling Matrix Factorization for Recommendation with Randomness, WWW, 2013.
Jianhui Chen, 老王APP, Jun Liu and Jieping Ye. A Convex
Formulation for Learning a Shared Predictive Structure from
Multiple Tasks, Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence (TPAMI), vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1025-1038, May 2013.
Xufei Wang, 免费翻软件老王, Huan Liu and Lei Wang. Learning
with Multi-Resolution Overlapping Communities. Knowledge and
Information Systems (KAIS), 2012
Xia Hu, Lei Tang, Jiliang Tang, and Huan Liu. Exploiting
Social Relations for Sentiment Analysis in Microblogging, In
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Web Search
and Data Mining (WSDM), 2013. (Best Paper Shortlist)
Lei Tang, Xufei Wang, and Huan Liu. Community Detection
via Heterogeneous Interaction Analysis. Knowledge Discovery
and Data
Mining (DMKD), 2012
Nitin Agarwal, Huan Liu, Lei Tang and Philip Yu. Modeling
Blogger Influence in a Community. Social Network Analysis and
Mining journal, 2012
Lei Tang, Xufei Wang and Huan Liu. Scalable
Learning of Collective Behavior.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2012.
(Featured in IEEE Special Technical Community
on Social Networks link)
Lei Tang, Huan Liu and Jianping
Zhang. Identifying Evolving
Groups in Dynamic Multi-Mode Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 24(1): 72-85, 2012
Kun Liu and Lei Tang. Large Scale Behavioral
Targeting with a Social Twist, In Proceedings of The 20th
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Managment (CIKM'11), pages 1815-1824, 2011
Xia Hu, Lei Tang and Huan Liu. Enhancing Accessibility of Microblogging Messages Using Semantic Knowledge, In Proceedings of The 20th
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Managment (CIKM'11), pages 2465-2468, 2011
Lei Tang, and Huan Liu. Leveraging Social Media Networks for Classification. Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD), 23:447-478, 2011.